Prayer 4 is a place where anybody can locate specific persons or organizations that could use prayer in their lives. It is also a place where anyone can come and request prayer for a specific need. It is a hub where people can come together and pray for people around the globe. Prayer 4 is about helping others by first praying that they will come to know Jesus Christ and then praying for the specific concerns of those in need. If you have a prayer request or would like to be part of the prayer team please use the links on the left side of the screen.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Prayer for Our Lines in the Sand.......

Lines in the sand are boundaries that we set for ourselves based on the word of God revealed through his holy word, The Bible. Some of these lines are easier than others not to cross. For instance, most people find it easy to stay on the good side of the line "thou shall not kill" but what about a statement such as "no man can serve two God's.....you cannot serve both God and money?" I am asking that you take a minute to pray that God will search your heart and reveal to you areas in which you may be crossing over the line. I assure you that I will be doing the same. This post is the result of a convicting of my own heart this evening. Also, if you know someone who is going through a specific trouble or trail, take the time to pray for them and that they might know healing through Jesus Christ.

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