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Friday, September 24, 2010

A Prayer for Children.....

I just sat down today without a thought in my head of what I wanted to pray about and as if a light had been turned on I immediately thought "Children". The Bible makes it clear that God holds children in a very high regard and I feel that we should strive to do the same.

Matthew 18:6 "But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." (NIV)

To often children are regarded as a sort of "second class citizen" or in some cases are even considered a burden. The following is a small section from the Seattle Pi:

"A Philippine woman who acknowledged giving birth to a baby on a flight from the Middle East and then leaving him in the trash on the plane said she was raped by her employer, a lawmaker said Thursday."

The baby was almost dead when he was pulled from the trash bag. I am not trying to fault this woman in particular as I do not know her circumstance, this is all about the children. If you are a parent, pray for guidance. If you ever plan on having children, pray for wisdom. If you know of any child that is currently in a bad situation, pray that they receive the help that they need. Pray with me that our children will grown into great leaders and outshine us in all ways. Pray for all children, especially the ones who do not have a voice to pray for themselves.

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