Prayer 4 is a place where anybody can locate specific persons or organizations that could use prayer in their lives. It is also a place where anyone can come and request prayer for a specific need. It is a hub where people can come together and pray for people around the globe. Prayer 4 is about helping others by first praying that they will come to know Jesus Christ and then praying for the specific concerns of those in need. If you have a prayer request or would like to be part of the prayer team please use the links on the left side of the screen.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Prayer for Fathers....

Cancer. When spoken aloud the word cancer can cause very uneasy and heart wrenching feelings. To see someone we love suffer from any type of illness can be a very trying and difficult time. I would like to ask that anyone who reads this to please say a prayer for Ozell Samuel. He is the father of a good friend of mine and is currently suffering bone cancer. He is a loving Husband, Father and Grandfather. We know that true comfort can only come through Jesus Christ and I pray that Ozell and his family will all feel the presence of Christ during this season of illness. I would like all of you to know that Ozell has a relationship with Christ and is a believer and child of God. Let us be encouraged knowing that God is good and is with Ozell every step of the way. The title of this post is "A Prayer for Fathers." I wanted to take the time not only to pray for Ozell but for all the fathers on the globe. Let us pray that they all come to a deep relationship and salvation through Jesus Christ. Pray that all Fathers clothe themselves in the characteristics of our heavenly father. Pray that fathers take the time to be actively involved in the lives of their children and bring them up in the training of the Lord. All of these things we ask in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. -Amen

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