Prayer 4 is a place where anybody can locate specific persons or organizations that could use prayer in their lives. It is also a place where anyone can come and request prayer for a specific need. It is a hub where people can come together and pray for people around the globe. Prayer 4 is about helping others by first praying that they will come to know Jesus Christ and then praying for the specific concerns of those in need. If you have a prayer request or would like to be part of the prayer team please use the links on the left side of the screen.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Very first Prayer!

I would like to start by thanking God for all that he has done in my life and for the opportunity to start this blog. The idea for Prayer 4 was actually the answer to a prayer. While in conversation with God I asked Him to show me a way in which I could help to further His kingdom. His answer was very clearly Prayer 4. The more I prayed on it the more I began to realize that too often we tend to pray for people within our lives, church, community, state, etc. Sometimes we (myself included) forget that there is a huge world out there filled with people who could use our prayers. I am not saying that there is any problem with praying for those people that we spend our daily lives with. We should all continually pray for the people around us. The goal of Prayer 4 for is to get large groups of people all praying for specific needs around the world. I pray that ultimately all people, in all walks of life, in every corner of the globe will all be praying for each other on a regular basis. With all that being said here is my first prayer:

" I pray God for Prayer 4 and that it will always remain about you. Lord I pray that my pride will never build in me while working in this ministry. I pray God that you will hear our prayers and through them you will not only meet the physical needs but that you will also meet the spiritual needs of the people of this planet. I pray Lord that through this ministry we will see numerous people come to salvation through your son Jesus Christ. God we know that through you all things are possible and we give you the glory. It is in Christ name we pray Lord." - Amen

1 comment:

  1. nice blog Joe! I'm so thankful that you have come so far in your relationship with God. I feel so blessed to have you as my son-inlaw...much love your way.....
