Prayer 4 is a place where anybody can locate specific persons or organizations that could use prayer in their lives. It is also a place where anyone can come and request prayer for a specific need. It is a hub where people can come together and pray for people around the globe. Prayer 4 is about helping others by first praying that they will come to know Jesus Christ and then praying for the specific concerns of those in need. If you have a prayer request or would like to be part of the prayer team please use the links on the left side of the screen.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Praying for those who served...

As a military member, this post hits very close to home and it breaks my heart to think of all the homeless veterans across the United States. The Department of Veterans Affairs states that nearly one third of all the adult homeless population in the United States are veterans. A majority of the homeless veterans suffer from mental illness and substance abuse. These are Americans who fought on foreign soil to ensure American Freedom. They suffered great loss at the hands of their enemies. Their eyes have seen things that would cause most people to turn and run the other way. They know how it feels to have a friend die in their arms from an enemy bullet. They fought some of the fiercest battles our nation has ever seen but now they fight for a place to sleep at night. They fight hunger pains and alcohol addiction. They fight for the basic needs which they once fought to protect. Without their sacrifice I might not have the freedom to sit and write this blog post. We need to pray for these veterans. Pray that they will come to salvation through Jesus Christ. Pray that their basic needs will be met. Pray that God will free them from the chains of addiction. Pray that all Americans will never forget, even for one day, the amazing sacrifice that these individuals made.
I found the following story on the Department of Veterans Affairs website. Let us pray that similar stories continue to pop up all over the country. "To ensure the Minnesota Veterans home in Minneapolis remains a comfortable and safe residence for Veterans, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is awarding two grants worth nearly $22.4 million for a new 100-bed nursing home and other improvements." These are the changes that I pray we see in cities across the nation. So the next time you see a homeless person, remember, that there is a very good chance that they once fought for your very freedom.

If you would like more information on how you can help the Veterans of the United States please check out the link below:


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