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Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Prayer for Advertising...

Today I had a meeting for the SAPR (Sexual Assault Prevention and Response) team that I am an advocate for, and found the material discussed very disturbing. We discussed alcohol and the way marketing agencies portray young men and woman to the rest of the world. I can say that it was a very troubling subject matter. What bothered me the most was that the alcohol advertisements portrayed alcohol as a means to ensure sexual activity, a way to fit in, the path to follow if you are seeking a good time, a confidence builder...etc They never once showed alcohol leading to violence, sexual assault, divorce, marital unfaithfulness, unwanted pregnancy...etc Pray that the media will stop peddling this illusion to the people of the world. Pray that people of the world will not be blind to the illusion of the media. Above all Pray that more souls will come to be saved through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ.

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